Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Here I am, waiting patiently (or not so patiently) for Small to make his (her?) appearance! We were 38 weeks on Monday and this picture was taken last night after I finished an 8-hour shift at work. They say the baby can come anytime in the next couple weeks- every morning I tell Small that today is a great day to greet the world! So far, he (she?) has not listened (a grand beginning to a lifelong habit, I'm sure :)) But one day, I'm told, Small will indeed be born whether he (she) likes it or not!

I'm starting to feel like a walking marshmallow! Yes, those are my ankles! I somehow have a vague memory of my thighs once being about that thick around! I won't miss all this extra fluid I'm storing up for some unknown reason. No one had better suggest support stockings... I get enough of that from Dr. Brad! :) Posted by Picasa

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