Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Besides the classic Smile, Carolyn also makes some other interesting faces. She is becoming so much more expressive- one of my favorite things to do is to just lay her on a blanket (in this case, on the bed) and just watch her facial expression change.

Yesterday, she discovered the ceiling fan, a source of never-ending pleasure for her. She has a harder time seeing the one in the living room since we have vaulted ceilings, but she can see the one in our bedroom and loves to stare at it going round and round. I'm so glad we finally got those fans installed before she was born (they sat in boxes in our living room for about 8 months)

As a side note, look closely in these pictures and you can see how really blue her eyes are. I am trying not to get attached to them since eye color can change quite a bit in these first months (and I must say the cards are stacked against her having blue eyes since both Mom and Dad have brown)- but I do think they are so beautiful! I'm sure I'll think the same thing about brown eyes if they come in... but I do love the way she looks right now!

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amberWIRE said...

I love her little smile! Can't wait to meet her face to face in September!

Anonymous said...

i think my favorite in this series is the yawn :)