Monday, August 28, 2006

Saturday, Carolyn had her first trip to Lake Michigan. She experienced the feeling of sand between her toes for the first time (not quite sure what to think... well, frankly, I'm not sure she really noticed the difference... but she will!)
Then she was subjected to the obligatory "stick the baby's feet in the Lake" event (ostensibly to wash the sand off her feet, but really so that we could have this picture for the scrapbook)... she certainly did notice this part of the experience and didn't seem to be too keen on it. Side note: lest you think we torture our precious child, let it be known that there were many sane-looking people swimming in the lake and laying on the beach in various types of swimwear; therefore, it was clearly not too cold!
And she was easily comforted with some hugs and cuddles... and has probably forgotten the whole experience by now. The cuddling continues as Papa Darth takes his turn with the baby. I think he maybe had more turns than anybody this weekend, except Grammy, who rarely allows Baby Carolyn out of her arms and has been suspected of harboring secret desires to steal her! :) So much love for such a sweet little bundle of joy. How wonderful for Little Carolyn that she can be raised surrounded by so much love from the extended family on both sides. I'm so thankful that she can grow up really knowing both sides of her wonderful family. Posted by Picasa

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