Thursday, August 03, 2006

Here are a couple shots from Carolyn's Fussy Hour on Tuesday night- the one nice thing about gassy crying is that it is intermittent- the crying bouts are spaced out by moments like these... she just gets cuter every day! :)

Yesterday, I think she smiled at me for the first time! I was looking at her and talking to her and she stared back at me, opened her mouth real wide, lit up her eyes, and turned the corners of her wide open mouth up! It was a brief moment, not to be captured on camera (she consented to this half smile for the black box that is so frequently in her face)... but it melted my heart! No repeat performance yet today- she was grumpy and gassy after her first meal and sleepy after the second, so we'll see how she feels when she wakes up from this nap. I can't wait to see it again!

Daddy feeds Carolyn for the first time. I was a little worried she wouldn't take it... but she didn't seem to miss me- she slurped the milk right down! I wouldn't want her to take a bottle all the time (I rather like being able to cuddle her close while she is eating) but it is a useful skill- we are already thinking about what to do for our first date! :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cutie!!! ...and i love that she's looking at brad in the feeding photo :)