Sunday, November 26, 2006

A New Experience

Our pediatrician has advised us to begin introducing Carolyn to rice cereal a few times each week (to prepare her for her eventual entrance into the variety of "solid" foods available in today's infant market beginning when she is 6 months old in January). Tonight (after yet another night of Carolyn waking up screaming at 130 am after eating at 930pm), we decided to try it. Who knows, maybe it will help her sleep at night- or maybe it won't, but it at least makes some great pictures! :)
Before... ready to try something new...
What's this goofy thing in my mouth? And what is this slop they're trying to feed me? It tastes like milk, yet not exactly... there's something else... what could it be?
I am told that the mess afterwards is an important part of the experience. :)
Fun with the spoon. It will be no time at all until she wants to start feeding herself! Ouch! She's growing up too fast! But it sure is a fun ride. :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

what a priceless picture- food all over her face, hands folded- she looks so very concerned about the state of things! hehe!

Anonymous said...

Did the food help her sleep through the night? Kath