Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend with Grammy and Papa Craig

It was my weekend to work this weekend, so I spent the better part of the last 2 days at Meijer and Grammy and Papa came to town to watch Carolyn. I missed her so much, but she had a great time- and it was easier this time than it was the first time, so that's something. I'm still glad it's over and I don't have to do it again for 5 more weeks! :)
Enjoying Green Eggs and Ham with Grammy
Ladybug time- this is just before a huge spitup! :)
She had a happy time, I think. The best part of the whole experience- coming home to my sweet little girl, kissing her, and breathing in her sweet smell. I love this little gal! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure she's enjoying your sniffing her. Mom! What are you doing?