Monday, November 20, 2006


After at least two months of intensive training sessions led by doting parents anxious to see their child hit yet another important developmental milestone... Carolyn finally rolled over for the first time- in the Detroit Metro airport! I didn't think she was really anywhere close to doing it from front to back- she had shown no sign that she was interested at all... but there she was and... whoops! She just did it like it was easy as pie- but almost seemed surprised to end up on her back. She did it three times in succession (the picture below was after the third time), but then we had to board our plane and she has not demonstrated this skill again since- no doubt, on to the next... :) We're so proud!! :)

Carolyn also enjoyed her first ride on Daddy's shoulders as we waited for friends to pick us up at the airport in Phoenix. This reminds me of how my dad always told me that it was my fault he had a bald spot on his head- he said I drooled it off! Brad says, let the hair loss begin! :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

It was so wonderful to see you and Brad and of course little Carolyn. Keep up the good work with the blog and we will keep up with little Carolyn's actions. See you in February. Ginger

amberWIRE said...

So Cute! I love that she is rolling over and blowing raspberries! She is so fun!