Friday, November 03, 2006

A Small Visitor

We had company tonight- Todd (one of Brad's resident friends), Ellen (his beautiful wife), and Mollie (their 5-month old daughter) came over for dinner and a little play date for the girls. Although they're still a little small for much interaction with each other, it was still fun to get them together for a few pictures. :)
As it happens, both girls were pea pods for Halloween this year. On our first attempt to get a picture of them in their costumes together, Carolyn was far more interested in getting a nap than being in photos.

On our second attempt, Carolyn was okay for pictures (having had the desired nap), but Mollie was less than thrilled because she then needed some rest! This was about the best we could do. :)
Sharing some tummy time- neither of them enjoys this much; they whined and complained about it and banged their little heads on the carpet in protest together. :) Posted by Picasa


Transplant said...

Love the pea pod pictures! Is it possible Carolyn is taller than Mollie? Maybe someone in the family with some height! In the last picture, the tummy time, she has a distinct Baby Elizabeth look.

EB said...

Mollie is 4 weeks older than Carolyn, but she was also born 3 weeks early and only weighed about 5 pounds at birth- I don't know how tall she was, but Carolyn has about 1/2 an inch or so on her now-even though LMC is in the 50th percentile for height (but 75th for weight... our little chunker. :))

I thought she looked like Grammy in the tummy time picture. :)