Friday, July 07, 2006

Are all new parents this crazy about their babies? It might sound crazy, but I swear she was playing a game with us last night! I was making this "ooo" sound at her and she just stared at me so intensely and then pursed her little lips together to make the same shape I did! (side note: aren't her little lips just darling?!) Then Brad came home from the store and we both joined in the fun. :) Carolyn's first game. :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not crazy at all; babies are wired from birth to
imitate & copying your facial expressions is your darling carolyn's first way to show you she knows how! from here through toddler-hood, imitation will be her best way to learn new things :) what a smart little one!

check out the '' website for articles like this & and excellent interactive timeline...

from your infant-toddler developmental resource ...and ex-roommie :)