Monday, July 10, 2006

We had a rough afternoon. Someone got a little overstimulated and was not at all interested in sleeping when it was time for her nap! She looks awfully cute with her beautiful eyes wide open, but it doesn't take a whole lot of experience to know that what this little doll really needed was some shut-eye (not to mention the sleepless little mommy who needed a nap too!)

One of many failed attempts to calm a screaming Carolyn. I think we somehow got the new model of swing that includes an electric shock feature, delivering a painful shock every few seconds or so, designed to inflict serious pain upon innocent children- someone's cruel idea of a joke, I expect, disguising a torture device as a soothing swing! Or at least one might think so to judge by Carolyn's reaction to the swing today.

Two hours later, we finally managed to get the nap we needed so badly. Unfortunately, a repeat performance is threatening for this evening... makes me wonder what in the world I did wrong between yesterday and today! What happened to the cheerful little baby who calmly submitted to being put down for much-needed sleep? Posted by Picasa

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