Monday, July 10, 2006

Carolyn's first story- all about fertilization and embryogenesis... fascinating subject- perhaps not so much at 10pm, though! But quite a miracle sitting right in front of us- amazing what God does with just two cells! I imagine the book didn't focus much on the miraculous, though. :)

Little Carolyn is far more interesting to Daddy than "Comprehensive Gynecology"- especially at the end of a 14-hour-plus day! I wish I had much confidence that the night will be restful for us tonight... Posted by Picasa


amberWIRE said...

You and Brad are doing so great at being parents! I love all the pictures and can't wait to meet little Carolyn in September!

Transplant said...

I do love the pictures! Great updates! Wish I was there! Really! But I am a little surprised we did not start her on LOTR or TR yet!