Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bagging The Tree

Although the nights do sometimes seem sooo long, we sure do have a lot of fun during the day!! :) [and really, if I'm honest, there is something very sweet about holding my sleepy baby in the wee hours of the morning... I think I would enjoy it about once a week... five times in one night is a bit much]

Yesterday we went to a tree farm with Grandma and Grandpa and bagged Carolyn's first tree. Carolyn thought it was a bit chilly for outdoor play (and a trifle too sunny- an uncommon complaint in Michigan :)) but we got a great tree. I'm excited to see how she likes it next year when she's big enough to walk around in the snow!

After we got the trees, we went to lunch at a hot dog joint near the tree place. Carolyn enjoyed some fun times with her Grandma and Grandpa.
It was a little toasty in the restaurant, so we stripped her down to her undershirt, which made her very happy- while we ate, she sat in her seat and kicked her legs, giggled, and chattered- just a bundle of joy- then when we picked her up to get ready to go again, we realized that she'd had a giant blowout!! That must have felt good I guess! :) Posted by Picasa

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