Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Busy Week!

We've had a couple "play dates" this week (of course, the babies are a bit young for really playing with each other- but the mommies aren't. :)) The top picture is Carolyn and Isaiah- I met Isaiah's mom, Kelly, at the pharmacy- her family shops there and we were pregnant at the same time. Isaiah is two weeks younger than Carolyn, but you can see he has a couple pounds on her and is pretty much one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. :)

The bottom picture is with Rachel, one of Carolyn's friends from our breastfeeding support group- Rachel is two weeks older than Carolyn, but she already wears clothes that are two sizes bigger! The variation between kids is really so fascinating! She's a delightful little girl and we enjoyed having her (and her mom, Heather) over yesterday.

All we want for Christmas is Carolyn's two bottom teeth!! She's definitely teething now and seems so uncomfortable, I just can't wait for it to end!
Getting dressed is sometimes more complicated than it might seem. Arms get stuck. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

She looks like a little candy cane!Grammy

Anonymous said...

Congrats on her toofer (as we like to call them)! Isaiah has been so fussy and are family is claiming that it won't be to long. I hope you guys can get some much needed rest. Still, she is such a beautiful girl. I just can't get enough of her darling pictures.