Sunday, February 11, 2007

Creepy Carolyn

She's starting to move forward a bit now! She has this really funny way of getting there- she'll roll a little to one side, then push forward with her feet, then roll a bit to the other side, push forward... she really doesn't use her arms to pull herself forward as much as her feet to push her along. It makes me chuckle...

She's been doing this for a week or so, but still really prefers to roll wherever she's going unless there's something truly toothsome awaiting her- like the phone- so if you ever get a random call from someone who just breathes into the phone and pushes buttons- it could be Carolyn! One funny thing (or maybe not so funny) that we've observed as we've been watching her learn to push herself forward is that she'll only try to do it if the object in question is quite close- she seems to need to feel some initial success in order to expend the effort necessary to keep trying. Gee, I wonder where she got that from?!! I just hope she doesn't pick up the "if at first you don't succeed, never try again" that Brad says is one of my mottoes in life- though I have been trying to overcome it!

Anyway, here's our latest video. :)


Transplant said...

Hilarious! I've never seen anyone move around quite like that! Isn't it amazing how each of us is such an individual? No carbon copies.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Too funny. It's funny how she will tip all the way onto her left side, but only partially roll to the right. What a determined little girl.

Rohrer Family said...

Wow, look at her go! With that kind of determination she will excel at many things in life. But then we already new that she would.. :) Thanks so much for calling on Saturday! It was great to catch up in person instead of just reading each other's blogs! :)