Friday, March 16, 2007


Perhaps it was because I actually slept all night the past two nights (I think that might have something to do with it)... but today I seemed to have just a different outlook on life. It was one of those days that reminds you why all the everyday work of getting up in the night, cleaning up poop, wiping a messy face, lugging a heavy car seat everywhere, listening to high-pitched yells- why it is just SO worth it. Today I just felt as though my heart were singing with delight in the wonderful, awesome, unbelievable gift that God has given me (and ultimately to the world) in little Carolyn. She has made me laugh so many times today and I have just drunk in the sweet baby smell of her hair, the softness of her skin, the light of brand new life in her eyes, the thrill of feeling her little body melt into mine as she gently falls asleep, and the warm, squishy feeling of being this one little person's favorite person. :) She is growing up so fast; I am so thankful for this golden little day that really wasn't much different from other days except that I was somehow able to see the magic in the everyday moments.

She's learning some new tricks that just make her (in my opinion) even more delightful- she is beginning to learn new ways to express real affection. Now she has started giving me kisses- wet, slobbery kisses that I love for all their messiness- when I ask her to. This is the first time she's shown me that she understands what I'm saying- when I say "Give Mommy a kiss"- about 40 percent of the time, she does it! :) Often several times once she starts the kissing. I love it! She makes me laugh.

What fun it is to be a mom!

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