Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

So... Brad turned 30 on Saturday! We had an open house to celebrate and were happy to realize how many friends we really do have! There have been some lonely times since our move to Michigan, but after much searching, God has blessed us with a wonderful church and has provided some dear relationships with other believers even here in the frigid North! :) We enjoyed having the chance to show people where we live (and the house was even clean!) and to get to know some of their families better. There were lots of kids around- and that's just the way we like it!
Here Carolyn greets Sam, the son of one of Brad's fellow residents (about 5 months old), who is enjoying bouncing around in Carolyn's Exersaucer.
She's discovered that if she's sitting down on someone's lap near the Exersaucer, she can pull herself up to stand! She's delighted with this new achievement. She looks so grown up when she's standing! Just like a big girl!
Here's the obligatory "blowy face" and the smoke that filled the room when thirty candles were suddenly extinguished by a blast of hot air! ;)
Happy St. Patty's Day (and Happy Birthday Brad!) :)
For the party, Grandma made her famous Beef Vegetable Barley Soup and Carolyn was thrilled to be able to enjoy some! And Daddy got the subsequent diaper. :) tee hee hee :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thirtieth, Brad!