Those of you who think it's been too long between posts will hopefully be satisfied with this one- and anyone who thinks I'm too long-winded had better visit another blog because this is longer than usual! :) (I'll return to the "it's my blog and I'll post what I want" excuse). :) I've been working on this for the past few days because I wanted to give you a good picture of what Carolyn is like at 8 months old. She brings so much light into my days and I laugh so much more than I did before she came. Babies are a wonderful, wonderful gift from God. I'm so thankful for her.
Carolyn has changed and grown so much in the last month! However, most of the change has not been in physical size- I measured her at home yesterday and found she's gained about half a pound (if that) in the past month (she's about 18.5 pounds and 27.5 inches long) but has gained 3/4 of an inch in length. That's probably because she is so much more active now than she was a month ago! She has figured out how to get around- one way or another- this little video will show you how she's moving these days. I can't believe how much she has changed in this way in just a few short weeks. The past few days she's been starting to pick her tummy off the ground for a second or two, so I think that proper crawling may not be much further off! Heaven help us! :)
Maybe our favorite development this month has been social. Carolyn seems to just be blossoming! She smiles so much more and has found new ways to express her delight- last night when I came home from work, she greeted me with this huge grin and started to clap her hands because she was so happy. One day she may not think I'm very cool (right now it's hard for me to imagine myself being "old-fashioned" and "from the dark ages" and unable to "get it," but I'm sure it will happen someday... sigh), but it is oh, so sweet to be on the "favorites" list of such a precious little person.
She gets so excited about toys now, especially anything that seems "off limits" or that makes noise or does something exciting. She giggles and claps her hands when she sees something she likes. Here's a little video clip I call "Shake It Up."
Happy 8 month since your birth, Carolyn! It's been fun to watch you grow.
I LOVED this post! She is so cute, EB! Things like this make me excited to have a girl! Especially the pig-tails!
Loved the pictures and the videos! She's changing so fast, if you miss a day, you miss something!
I check your blog almost daily and Chad and I love the updates and watching her develop such a cute personality. She must keep you both very entertained! The blog is awesome, EB you do a GREAT job! She is beautiful! Happy 8 month is going so fast.
absolutely darling, that lmc! and, i love that you make carolyn toys :) here's another idea she'll be into soon -putting things in open containers (old coffee cans are good for a clink sound). You can even cut a smooth-edged slit in the plastic lid for carolyn to slide old juice concentrate lids into. Or, two holes, one being the size of some small wooden blocks or even those balls from the silly machine for her to discriminate between/among shapes when she's ready. you are truly amazing parents -happy eight months carolyn! know you're blessed, baby girl.
loving the daddy/daughter picture! what fun!
I can't believe how much she's grown up in the last two weeks since I've seen you two! She will probably be crawling before I see you again on Friday! Thanks again for the updates on your blog, it is such a wonderful record of your development as a family. Looking forward to visiting again soon.
Brad and EB, we've enjoyed all the pictures of you and little Carolyn! She has grown up too quickly! The Lord has blessed you all abundantly! Come and visit us in El Cajon sometime! We would love to see you!
She gets cuter everyday. We can;t wait to see you guys!
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