Friday, April 06, 2007


Off the subject of cute babies eating spaghetti, if anyone knows how to get an extremely distressed 9-month old to stop screaming for hours on end in the middle of the night, I would be highly interested in your advice! Carolyn was up for 2 hours from 130 until 330am last night just screaming her head off and tonight isn't starting out much better. She's been crying since I put her down an hour ago. She's at a point right now where she hates it when I even leave the room for a second even during the day- she just can't take it and instantly begins crying as soon as I turn my back, and while I must admit that it's flattering to be someone's "favorite person," this is a little much! Any advice? Anyone? We've been trying to stick with our usual strategy of going in to visit her every 5 minutes or so to let her know that we're still here, trying to ease what seems to maybe be separation anxiety? and though this seems to initially enrage her more (the fact that I come in to her room and don't pick her up, rock her, feed her, or otherwise make her feel better), it used to work. I'm starting to wonder if it's the right move, now. But I have no better ideas. And I really need some sleep! I'm exhausted! Help!


Christi said...

I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. I have no advice for you. Although I seem to have it better, I still have a 9-month old who rules at night. I usually give in and feed him because it's the quickest way back to bed! But, I have a feeling this just encourages the feedings more. If I find something that works, I'll let you know. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry too and I sympathize with you. Have you tried a night light? We tried it with Keenan and it worked. I know the doctors say they can't be scared of the dark, but Keenan is. I also started familiarizing him with one blankie. As long as he has his blankie, he does better. And third, we put his favorite bear in the corner of the crib. He is old enough now that I don't worry about him suffocating himself and when he wakes up, he talkes to his bear for a while. I promise you, there is light at the end of the tunnel!