Monday, September 11, 2006

A funny sign we saw on the way back to the Metro station...

How things have changed!! Brad and I and Steve and Carolyn all got married the same day, went through medical school and now residency together, and have really sort of grown up together. We were musing in the car about how fast life goes and wondering how we got to where we are now- from being so totally Cool to driving around in a minivan and thinking it's a Sweet Ride because it has stow and go seating, a DVD player, and room for all the carseats. To going on trips together armed with giant diaper bags and ready to wipe snot from little kids' nostrils without even thinking about it. To commenting as we drive in our sweet minivan about those hooligan drivers on the road. All of a sudden, we've become... our parents!!!
Mommies together... Posted by Picasa

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