Thursday, September 07, 2006

We went for a long walk last night at a local park. Brad especially enjoyed pushing Emma around like a crazy person. Carolyn missed most of the lovely scenery, but enjoyed a nice nap. :)
Carolyn's first chick to Chik Fil A! Here we are with Steve, Carolyn, and Emma Rohrer, and Josh and Greta Rohrer (Josh is Steve's brother).
Another fun walk in a beautiful park with a large covered bridge. Here's our latest family photo.
The family Rohrer. It is interesting for me to remember that the last time we came to visit Steve and Carolyn, Emma was the same age that Little Carolyn is now. And I was thinking that I'd NEVER get pregnant (but found out just a week later that Little Carolyn was on the way- funny how that works sometimes). Now Emma seems so grown up- it's hard to believe that Carolyn will be so big in just a year! We're having a great time getting a preview of coming attractions. Posted by Picasa

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