Friday, September 01, 2006

Poor Carolyn. She had to get her first set of shots yesterday. She handled the immediate experience quite well, I thought- with the expected response when the shots were given, but calmed down almost immediately upon being fed right afterwards. But when we got home, she was simply beside herself- cried almost the entire time she was awake- which really wasn't all that much because she was also just exhausted. She went to sleep at around 10pm and didn't wake up until 5:15 this morning! Wish that were an everyday occurrence! Still fussy and drowsy this morning- hope that eases up over the day. I really like Carolyn's mouth better without the plug in it!

But other than the unpleasantness of the shots, everything went well at Carolyn's 2-month checkup. She weighed in at 11 pounds, 10 ounces and was 22 1/4 inches long. The doctor said "the only problem I see with her is her hair!" I told him not to even think about touching that! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Transplant said...

So exactly who had the shots - Aunt Laura or Carolyn?