Monday, September 11, 2006

Our big activity on Friday was to visit the monuments. Getting a later start than we planned turned out to be a blessing in disguise because although the light was not ideal for taking pictures, we were able to enjoy the monuments in a way none of us had ever seen them before- as dusk fell and darkness grew. It was pretty neat.
Little Carolyn missed most of the Washington Monument...
This is for my mother's benefit, who will recall that the last time I went to Washington DC, the thing I wanted to do most was turn cartwheels on The Mall. I was 12. I'm a little bigger and a teensy bit more grown up now, but I was happy to realize that I do still know how to do a cartwheel, even though I have not had occasion to use this knowledge for many years. I guess it's like riding a bike. :) Posted by Picasa


Transplant said...

I'm impressed that you can still do a cartwheel, and such a nice one too!

Anonymous said...

i'm impressed too- not sure i could do that anymore! i might just fall straight on my head rather than achieving such fine form as yours...