Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Carolyn had her first bath in the "big tub" with Mommy last night. She seemed to really enjoy the water all around her little body and I enjoyed the chance to be close to her. It will be no time at all before she's ready to sit up in the tub all by herself!
There's certainly no doubt that the child is well-nourished! :)
Fun new toy! This is a Bumpo seat, designed for kids who can hold their heads up but can't yet sit unsupported- it gives them a way to sit up to see the world while keeping them from toppling over. My friend Heather brought her daughter's seat to our breastfeeding support group today... and Carolyn seemed to really enjoy it... so we bought one on the way home. :) Perhaps a little impractical... but not toooo expensive, so I think we'll let her keep it. :)
We had company tonight- the Hoogerwerfs (Steve and Joellen) came to visit us and meet Carolyn. Steve (aka Dr. Hoogerwerf- almost five years out of college and I still have trouble calling him by his first name)- was one of Brad's and my favorite professors at Hope and as he is an ordained minister, he actually married us- we've enjoyed living a little closer to these dear friends, though we don't see them as much as we'd like to. Joellen is definitely a "baby person." She loved holding little Carolyn- and brought her this fun little blanket with ribbon taggies on it that are just right for little fingers to hold. Carolyn was very interested in the new toy- and in the colorful scarf Joellen was wearing. :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have Bumbo's at Kindering; they're quite excellent little chairs :) Oh, and I love the barette!