Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Last night I put the Exersaucer together ("some assembly required" :)) and this morning I introduced Carolyn to a whole new world of stimulatory experiences. :) I can't believe she's big enough for this kind of toy already- but I was inspired by my experience last night at a store where there were not carts large enough for our car seat- I had to put Carolyn in the front of the shopping cart. I sort of packed her in a bit with a couple blankets, but she sat up so well! She loved looking around at all the things to see in the store. So we decided she was ready to try the Exersaucer. :)
She was so enthralled and absorbed in taking it all in that I couldn't even get a smile out of her- just this big, wide-eyed look. So cute!
I think her favorite thing was being able to spin herself around to look at whatever she wanted to see. She was so surprised the first time she made the seat move, but had gotten it down by the time we finished our time in the Saucer.

So much stimulation leaves a little girl a bit tired! So to naptime we went. :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the fish on the saucer- what little girl wouldn't enjoy such a fun toy?