Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Story time with Daddy- she's starting to actually enjoy being read to now. She stares intently at the pictures.
Matching Purple Girls- Carolyn enjoyed a visit from my friend Lisa- Lisa and I used to work together at Meijer before her job changed and now she works in Lansing. I'm going back to work at Meijer tomorrow. I'll be working 2 days a week- it doesn't really sound like that much- but to me it feels like 2 days too many. I wish I didn't have to leave little Carolyn with anybody- even though I know it will probably be good for her to be cared for by others- especially since "others" are her dad, auntie, and grandparents! Still, I can't help feeling like I'm coming to the end of something and I feel sad about it. But hopefully it won't be long before I feel like I'm at the beginning of something else that is also good. I really did (almost) always enjoy my job before, so maybe I will remember how much I like what I do and maybe being away from Carolyn some of the time will make the times that we do have together seem sweeter. And of course, we really couldn't do for long without the extra income. So maybe it will be a win-win situation all around. But I'd appreciate your prayers as my anxiety about going back to work exists on several levels! Will I remember what I'm doing there? Will I still be able to do it? How will pumping at work go? And most importantly- will Carolyn be okay without me- and will it be okay with me for her to be okay without me?
Here are a couple cute pictures from this afternoon. She has discovered that her feet are for standing and we've really seen an increase in strength in her legs- now she loves to stand up tall- we sing the hymn "Standing on the Promises" when we're having standing time. :)
Getting so chubby and round. I love it!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

E.B. I will be praying for you. I know that it will be hard but you will remember how to do everything and will do just fine. I know it is hard I did it with Samanatha for one year and then I was home again. Your baby will be in good hands with Daddy and family. We miss you guys. We are one week away from having our sweet baby Emma we will let you know.!!! Ginger Dunham

Anonymous said...

Your husband is a stinkin doctor -- why do you need to go to work?