Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Well, we went to the doctor today after I saw some blood coming out of Carolyn's ear and we found out that the poor child has a ruptured ear drum. She had a fever on Sunday, but she had no other symptoms- wasn't pulling on her ears or anything- I guess she must have had an ear infection we didn't know about. Poor baby. :( She's been super duper fussy the past couple days, and yesterday when she woke up from her afternoon nap she cried herself purple! She's usually a pretty happy kid, so this was unusual for her... but I figured she might just be getting more teeth- and maybe she is- but she had a bigger reason for being so cranky! Now I'm getting to experience first hand some of what I discuss with my patients every time I go to work- Augmentin! But having learned from their experiences (and especially because of the way the stuff smells), I had Carolyn's Augmentin flavored grape-bubblegum, which pretty much overrides the nasty, chalky flavor of the actual medicine and at least the first dose seemed to go down pretty well.

Despite the fussiness and the ruptured eardrum, we've still been having some fun.

Here we went on a lovely walk at the park with Isaiah and Kelly. It was a warm day and we all worked up a nice sweat, but it was fun to spend time with friends.

On Sunday (in spite of the almost-102 fever), Carolyn greatly enjoyed this piece of equipment- I was working in the nursery at church and turned around for a minute to get something and turned back to find her perched up here at the top of the slide! I know that one day very soon she will be quite big enough to get up and down without my assistance, but for the moment it was a bit scary to see her achieve such heights when I know she can't descend safely just yet!

A new favorite game! Carolyn crawls across the bed and nearly falls off but Daddy catches her feet just in time and hangs her upside down to giggle!

And speaking of giggling, treat yourself to some sweet, unadulterated baby laughs with this little video clip from our car trip home from the doctor's today- I was trying to keep her awake until we got home and she was laughing so hard but still almost falling asleep at the same time- with a half-eaten animal cracker hanging out of her mouth... some moments I just have to laugh about how much my life has changed in the past year!

Yesterday while running errands, we stopped by the library and visited the fascinating train set that they have there.

Don't be fooled by the picture above where it looks like Carolyn is actually playing with the train. In fact, she really just wanted to eat it. She is, after all, only 11 months old!


Rohrer Family said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about sweet Carolyn's ear!! Poor little girl. An unhappy part of motherhood is that helpless feeling when you can't do anything to make them more comfortable. I know I just spent most of last night listening to Emma cough. I think she was sleeping but I'm sure it wasn't very restful. I think I will take her to the doctor today (do you know of any good ones? :) She seems to have trouble with a residual cough after she gets a cold. Anyway, I just felt so sorry for her. But if I try to sit and hold her she just thinks it's time to play.. we can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks.

Christi said...
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Christi said...

My you've been busy since I last saw you just a few short days ago. So sorry to hear that Carolyn is not feeling well. Isn't it amazing how resilient our children are? They live in spite of us! :) God definitely knew what he was doing... although it would be nice if they could just tell us what was bothering them! Good luck in healing, see you in a week! :)