Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A wise woman told me to always do a dry run with a Halloween costume. :) Good idea; as soon as I got the thing on, she spit up all over it and promptly started crying because her little face doesn't quite fit right into the even smaller opening... she's not a big fan of having anything on her head (except bows :)) But a few good raspberries in her face, and I had her smiling. Doesn't she look cute??! Wish I didn't have to work tonight- she's going with Daddy to the hospital to meet the other residents and their kiddies. I'm hoping she'll have time for a little trick or treat at the pharmacy, too. :) I love this look! She looks like she's directing an orchestra or something. :)
The cool thing about this costume is that the other peas in the pod come off for holding fun. :)
Carolyn and the pumpkin (again :)) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

this just might be the cutest thing i have ever seen!

Transplant said...

Ok, so I'll be needing the full size pix for these!!!