One of my favorite new developments so far is Carolyn's rolling! She's been rolling over for months and has always seemed to enjoy it, but just in the last few days it seems that she has discovered that rolling can get her somewhere! Now she rolls with a goal in mind. Today she was so funny, rolling back and forth- one way, then the other, pivoting a bit- in order to reach the tempting objects I placed a few feet away from her.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Snow Carolyn
Monday, January 29, 2007
Pears, Pebbles, Peas, and Peekaboo :)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Fun and Games
Tell me, you experienced, seasoned mothers of the post-"back-to-sleep" era- Did this ever happen to you? Did you feel anxious about it? Was everything fine?
Monday, January 22, 2007
A New Hairstyle
Weekend Fun
This was my weekend to work, so Grammy and Papa Craig came to town to watch Carolyn. Everybody had a great time. This was my fourth time to do this, and it has gotten a little easier every time, though I'm always glad to come home at the end of the long days, and always so, so thankful that Carolyn has her loving grandparents to spoil her while I'm gone. It is a great blessing to leave at least relatively near family. I hope we can stay in the general vicinity of our families when we find a "real" job for Brad in a few years. :
So happy to see my little girl!
Some toys never go out of style- I had one of these ring stackers when I was Carolyn's age- though her top ring has some rolling beads in it, and I don't think mine did. :)
Happy giggle fest with Grammy. :)
Carolyn loves to lie on her back, arch backward and look at you upside down. She'll smack her little legs down on the ground when she's especially happy- and can make some pretty decent distance around a room like that! :)
Grammy says it's time to get Carolyn's hair out of her eyes! So she tried the Pebbles look on Sunday. I think it looks cute! But I miss the big bow!
She got tired... started rubbing her eyes... and the inevitable happened. :)
We thought she looked like she'd been painted with war paint!!!
They're Growing
This Friday we had our little playgroup over to our house. I went to a breastfeeding support group with these gals and their babies (Aiden and Caimon) over the summer, and we've remained friends. It is amazing to watch these little ones grow up together. They are all within a week or two of each other (Carolyn is the youngest), and it's cool to see how different they all are. Aiden is already crawling and pulling up on stuff and the two girls (and their mommies) were very interested to watch him demonstrate his progress!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Ducks and Sweet Potatoes
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Visiting Garrett
So yesterday we went to visit my friend Krysia (name pronounced like Trisha but with a K) and her son Garrett- Krysia and I work together (though we're both pretending that we don't work for Meijer right now because we'd really rather be SAHMs- internet lingo for stay at home moms). Anyway, we went over to visit little Garrett yesterday, who is three weeks old! It was so sweet to hold such a tiny little bundle again. We just stared at Carolyn and Garrett and wondered how in the world he would grow to be so big! But he will- and soon!
Carolyn was herself just three weeks old not really so long ago. How she has changed in just six months! Sometimes I find myself wishing for a tiny little one again (I never expected the Baby Bug to come around again so soon)- so sweet and soft and curled up and precious- maybe because it was so hard to appreciate all that at the time when you're all stressed out about getting no sleep and so desperately wanting to do things "right." But then I look at Carolyn and think of how much I am enjoying this season of our life together- and I snap right out of it and know that for now, things are just as they should be! It seems that I love her even better the bigger she gets.
But I loved her teeny tiny, too! :) This is Carolyn at three weeks old.
Anyway, she did the funniest thing yesterday. Garrett was sitting in his bouncy seat and he started crying- that cry is really tough to decipher in those first few weeks- not sure whether he's hungry or tired or uncomfortable or what- not exactly a scream but a pretty decent cry. Waaa! Waaa! Waaa! said Garrett- and in between each one of his "Waaa"s, Carolyn imitated the sound! At first I just thought she was making noise, but this went on for several minutes, and when Garrett altered the pitch or inflection of his cry, the noise that came out of Carolyn's mouth sounded almost exactly the same! It was hysterical! I wished I'd had the video camera to capture the moment. I've never heard her imitate sounds quite like that before. So funny!
But I loved her teeny tiny, too! :) This is Carolyn at three weeks old.
Monday, January 15, 2007
I have heard that all fathers do this to their children- and mothers' hearts jump into their throats even as they grab the cameras to take pictures. :) And the fathers always catch the children as they come down- and the babies love it! :)
Perhaps my mother will be so kind as to forward me a scanned copy (if she has one) of the similar picture taken almost 26 years ago and we can discuss the similarity of facial expression between mother and daughter. :)
Little Cutie
Some more fun photos of our little darlin' I was asked tonight "are you going to put all those pictures on the blog?" To which I answered "YES- and when YOU get your OWN blog, you can decide what to post!"
Carolyn is at such a fun stage right now- she's so expressive and joyful and sweet. I love her more every day. What a great blessing it is to spend most of my time with her watching the miracle of her growth. :)
Thanks Uncle Doug, Aunt Katy and Cousin Emily for the cute outfit!
Considering Butternut Squash last night... and I think she ultimately decided that she liked it. :)
Carolyn has learned a new game- called Ball. Grandma taught her to roll the ball back and forth with her- unfortunately, none of these pictures from last night turned out so well- but here she is tonight playing with Auntie Laura (who came over for the special showing of "24"- our collective addiction- we have no time for tv anymore- but we make time for Jack- our hero. :))
What do people do who don't have little girls to dress up in Hats?! :)
Loving Auntie Laura
Carolyn is at such a fun stage right now- she's so expressive and joyful and sweet. I love her more every day. What a great blessing it is to spend most of my time with her watching the miracle of her growth. :)

Bath Time
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Squash and Sliminess
We tried Acorn Squash for the first time on Thursday.
The first bite. Any new taste requires a moment or two for consideration...
But the verdict was clear with Squash. She likes it!!! No adjustment period necessary (as with peas and beans, which she didn't embrace immediately, but now seems to enjoy). I don't blame her for liking the squash best- I tasted it when I smashed it up and it has a very nice, sweet, creamy flavor!
Today Papa Craig invited Carolyn to begin a trip down the road to Self-Feeding. LMC has been waiting eagerly for such an invitation from someone who doesn't care how much of a mess she makes or whether any of the food makes it into her mouth! :)
Hands on experiences are much more fun. It is much more exciting to be able to smash the food in ones fingers, smear it all over one's face and attempt to consume the spoon, the food, and one's fingers all at the same time. :)
Arms "akimbo" waiting for the next refill of the spoon.
Yum!! This is great!!
I love being a big girl!!! If you look very closely in this picture, you can see Tooth #1 on Carolyn's bottom left gum. :) Tooth #2 has not yet made it through the gum, but it's coming!!
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