Friday, January 19, 2007

Ducks and Sweet Potatoes

This week we've introduced sweet potatoes. I saved them for the last of this group of veggies because I thought they'd be so sweet she wouldn't want anything else... but really she doesn't seem that fond of them! She gobbles green beans and peas and squash better than sweet potatoes!
The sweet potatoes might not be as delicious as expected, but this girlie sure does love her daddy!
Today we had a diaper explosion which required immediate intervention... so we got a chance to try out the new bathtub. She's outgrown the newborn tub and is starting to want to roll over on the little yellow foam mat we were using, and the big tub is just too big and slippery for Mommy to feel comfortable just yet... so here's Carolyn's new Ducky tub- a great $10 investment. She grinned so big when she saw it this morning. She can sit up easily, doesn't slip, and if she falls back, she'll hit the ducky's nice soft back.
Sitting up in the tub gives Carolyn a new vantage point for playing with tubby toys. Now she can catch them if she drops them and they start to float away!
Aaaah... this feels GREAT. I should explode out of the diaper more often!


Anonymous said...

I thought most babies loved sweet potatoes??? Where did you get that duck, I want one!!!

Anonymous said...

Emma got one of those at our shower. Can't wait to see her sit in hers. So cute!


Anonymous said...

i love the duck tub. every child should have a duck tub

amberWIRE said...

I wish I had a duck tub!