Wednesday, January 31, 2007

On A Roll!

One of my favorite new developments so far is Carolyn's rolling! She's been rolling over for months and has always seemed to enjoy it, but just in the last few days it seems that she has discovered that rolling can get her somewhere! Now she rolls with a goal in mind. Today she was so funny, rolling back and forth- one way, then the other, pivoting a bit- in order to reach the tempting objects I placed a few feet away from her.


Becca said...

So, has anyone else figured out the allure that all babies have with phones!? I'm glad to see that mine isn't the only one. I guess it's just one of those kid things :) And I love the static going on in Carolyn's hair!

Transplant said...

Too bad you can't have a voice over with that video - I think I'll eat that black phone. Here I go. No wait, wrong way. Let's go back. Hmm, let me roll again. No, can't get it from here. Let me try that way again. Ahh!! Sweet success!!!

Anonymous said...

I made Josh watch this video because I found it so funny. Last night he pulled up your blog and made a friend watch the video too! Carolyn is bound to be a genius; accomplishing great things in unique ways. :)